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15 Revaluation to fair value of savings of purchaser’s costs such as transfer taxes

This adjustment represents the positive impact on NAV of the possible reduction of transfer taxes and purchaser’s costs for the seller based on the expected sale via the sale of shares. Transfer taxes and purchaser’s costs which would be incurred in an asset sale are generally deducted when determining the fair value of the properties. The effect of a possible sale of shares in a property vehicle might be taken into account when determining the deduction of transfer taxes and purchaser’s costs (if this lowers the actual transfer tax and/or purchaser’s costs to be paid upon sale by the seller).

The Fund has no investment property structured in special vehicles. As per 31 December 2016, no adjustment had been made due to the fact that it is impossible to sell investment property via a share deal. Therefore, there is no possibility of an additional reduction of the transfer tax or purchaser’s costs that might lead to a higher sales price.

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