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The Fund has been closely monitoring the electricity use at its office properties via smart meters since 2011. An energy dashboard on a dedicated website measures and shows the electricity consumption on a fifteen-minute basis, enabling the Fund, property managers and tenants to monitor energy use and costs.

Each quarter, we compare energy use in quarterly benchmarking reports, giving us a clear overview of the energy use per building. This gives us insight into various user profiles and enables us to introduce energy-saving measures and record the actual improvements due to these measures.

Benchmarking based on the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) gives the Office Fund greater insight into the opportunities to improve the sustainability performance measured at Fund level. In 2016, the Office Fund participated for the fifth time in the GRESB assessment and improved its score.

The Fund is one of the best performing office funds in the Netherlands: a Green Star for the third successive year, 2nd in its peer group and a ranking in the top 20% (GRESB 5-star rating) worldwide of 759 participating entities.

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