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21 Related parties

The Office Fund’s subsidiairies and members of the Supervisory Board and Board of Directors of Bouwinvest Real Estate Investment Management B.V. (Bouwinvest) and the other entities under mangement by Bouwinvest, qualify as related parties of the Office Fund. The Fund paid Bouwinvest a € 2.7 million (2015: € 3.1 million) fee in 2016. bpfBOUW and the subsidiaries and investments held by bpfBOUW are also deemed related parties.

Members of the Supervisory Board and Board of Directors of Bouwinvest do not have any material interest in the Fund’s voting shares and do not have options on shares. The Fund has not granted any loans to the members of the Bouwinvest Supervisory Board and Board of Directors of Bouwinvest.

The members of the Supervisory Board and Board of Directors of Bouwinvest held no personal interest in the Fund’s investments in 2016.

Bouwinvest Development B.V. (re)develops part of the investment property for the Fund. In 2016, € 1.1 million (2015: € 2.4 million) was paid to Bouwinvest Development B.V. with regard to the projects The Olympic 1931 and The Olympic 1962 (Amsterdam).

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