The Healthcare Fund is structured as an investment company with variable capital, as defined in article 2:76a of the Dutch Civil Code, with its corporate seat in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. It is a fiscal investment institution (FII) within the meaning of Article 28 of the Dutch Corporate Income Tax Act 1969. Bouwinvest Real Estate Investment Management B.V. (Bouwinvest) is the Fund's Statutory Director and management company, subject to the terms of the management agreement. The management company (not the Fund) has a licence within the meaning of Article 2:65 of the Dutch Financial Supervision Act and is subject to supervision of the Dutch Financial Markets Authority (AFM) and by the Dutch Central Bank (DNB).
The Fund owns a taxable subsidiary, Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Healthcare Fund Services B.V. which renders services that are ancillary to renting activities of the Fund. While these services might go beyond mere investing they are performed by a taxable subsidiary of the Fund. Structuring these ancillary activities this way the Fund remains compliant with the investment criterion of the FII-regime.

General Meeting of Shareholders
Shareholders of the Healthcare Fund must be qualified institutional investors within the meaning of section 1:1 of the Dutch Financial Markets Supervision Act (FMSA). General Meetings of Shareholders are held at least once a year to discuss the annual report, adopt the financial statements and discharge the Statutory Director of the Fund for its management. Shareholder approval is required for resolutions that have a substantial impact on the Healthcare Fund and its risk profile.