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Composition of the Supervisory Board

The Bouwinvest Real Estate Investment Management (‘Bouwinvest’) Supervisory Board has the following four members: C.J. Beuving (Chairman), J.H.W.R. van der Vlist, R.Th. Wijmenga and C.G. Gehrels.

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Report of the Supervisory Board

The Board of Directors prepared the Bouwinvest financial statements and discussed these with the Supervisory Board. Deloitte Accountants B.V. have audited the financial statements and provided them with an unqualified independent auditors’ report.

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Company profile

Bouwinvest has been investing in real estate on behalf of the pension fund for the construction industry (bpfBOUW) since 1952.

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Market highlights

The year started with a slowdown in Chinese economic growth, and a major dip in Asian stock markets, which did eventually rebound.

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Portfolio results

Bouwinvest's International Investments delivered a solid performance modest performance in 2016. The total return came in at 5.3%, excluding currency results and after management fees.

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