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Operational Control

In Control Statement

The Board of Directors has issued an ‘in control’ statement on the financial reporting risks and strategic and operational risk management at Bouwinvest. The Board of Directors is responsible for proper risk management and internal control systems and for assessing their effectiveness. Based on its assessment of the risk management and internal control systems, the Board of Directors believes that these systems provide a reasonable level of assurance that the financial reports contain no material errors. In general, the risk management and internal control systems functioned properly in 2016 and there is no indication that these systems will not function properly in 2017. No shortcomings that could have a material impact were identified in these systems in 2016, nor up to the date this annual report was signed in 2017. Furthermore, no deficiencies in the internal control systems were identified that could have a material impact on operational and compliance risks, nor on the financial reporting function and the functioning of the internal and external auditors.

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