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Report of the Board of Directors

Strategic principles

Bouwinvest believes the outlook is positive for the asset management of real estate for institutional clients:

  • There will always be a need for real estate where people live, work, shop and stay and the demand is growing worldwide, especially in the US and the Asia-Pacific region;

  • Real estate as an investment offers a range of benefits for institutional clients: diversification, risk-return profile between shares and bonds, stable rental income and inflation hedge;

  • The extra solvency and liquidity requirements, the risks and the costs of investments in real estate are controllable when you take a systematic approach and you have a professional management organisation. This is exactly what Bouwinvest can provide.


Bouwinvest aims to provide a solid return on real estate investments for clients and their beneficiaries and strives to do this in a responsible manner.


Bouwinvest invests with a long-term scope in transparent and stable countries, in highly marketable real estate sectors, high-quality assets in cities/metropolitan regions and takes into account the risk-return profile that matches the long-term obligations of its clients.



Specialist or generalist?

As an investment manager, Bouwinvest focuses on national and international real estate investments for institutional clients.


Bouwinvest has been active as an investment manager in real estate since 1952, and is therefore a specialist real estate manager.

Liability-driven profiel or maximising return profile?

In view of the investment beliefs, the prudent person principle, the ALM secondary conditions and the ESG criteria of institutional clients, Bouwinvest has a long-term focus on transparent and stable countries, highly marketable real estate sectors, high-quality assets and a risk/return profile that matches the long-term commitments of its clients.


Bouwinvest opts for the strategy that provides a good hedge for the commitments and the inflation risks of its clients and is therefore liability-driven.

Multi-client or single-client?

The illiquid nature and the long-term commitments of real estate require easy and continuous access to institutional capital. Permanently available funding safeguards continuity at Bouwinvest and ensures that the company is constantly and consistently in the market for the best investment transactions. A multi-client approach limits the funding risk.


It is important that Bouwinvest has a multi-client strategy.

Multi-asset or mono-asset?

In the real estate sector, Bouwinvest focuses on countries and sectors that fall within the scope of the liability hedging profile. This approach increases Bouwinvest’s investment opportunities, contributes to the mixed living environment  and offers its clients opportunities for diversification.


Bouwinvest spreads its risk across sectors and regions: multi-asset.

Multi-channel or mono-channel?

There are various ways of acquiring and managing the desired real estate investments: direct, indirect, unlisted and listed investments, joint ventures and club deals. Bouwinvest wants to use all possible channels to gain access to the best possible assets. Real estate is a ‘local business’. In the Netherlands, Bouwinvest does its own asset management; at an international level, Bouwinvest works with carefully selected local managers.


Bouwinvest wants to use all possible channels: therefore multi-channel.

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